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Over the last five years, the Mulbarton Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) have helped to pay for computer equipment, outdoor play equipment, theatre performances, educational “WoW” workshops and travel for all year groups – with over £40,000 of funds raised through events organised by volunteers.

Our mission: The PTA raise funds to enable the pupils of our school to enjoy a full and varied learning environment.

The PTA aims to organise not just fund-raising events but also social events to provide the children with fun memories.  The Christmas Fayre and Summer Fete have always been highlights in the school calendar, along with the school discos and Year 6 leavers summer festival.

This year we have already contributed towards new EYFS play equipment outside reception, the pantomime performance, WoW days, school trips and Christmas class gifts.  We have also agreed to contribute towards a new pond dipping platform, bird hide and raised flower beds.

All parents/carers automatically belong to the PTA – it’s a great way to meet new people and we aim to have as much fun as possible!  The success of the PTA is down to its members/volunteers.  We are always looking for extra help with fund raising activities and would love to hear from anyone who can offer their time or services (however small!).

The PTA can be contacted on: [email protected].  We also have a Facebook group and a regular newsletter where we keep members informed.

The committee would like to say a huge THANK YOU to the teachers, parents/carers, children and the community for continuing to support our school.

Mulbarton Primary PTA newsletter Sept 23

Dates for the diary

Spring Disco (all years)                       9 February

Summer Fete                                      7 June

Year 6 leavers summer festival           TBC

Pre loved uniform

The PTA manages the school’s pre-loved uniform donations.  Please drop off uniform donations in the box in the office lobby. No stained clothes or lost property. No shoes and coats please.  There are regular playground sales however specific uniform requests can be made by email [email protected]

Easy Fundraising

The PTA have an account set up with Easy Fundraising. This is an easy way to fund raise simply by shopping online at over 7,000+ brands. Register at and follow the steps. Make sure you join the Mulbarton Primary School – Norwich.  The PTA will get a small % of your spend which is donated from the retailer for free.

How is the PTA managed?

We are a registered charity (Charity No. 1036899) regulated by the Charity Commission.  Each year we have an AGM, when Trustees/committee members (including Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected to head up the PTA, plan events and work with the school to best use the funds raised.

The committee have regular meetings which are open to anyone who would like to attend – you don’t have to be a Trustee.  Please contact the email address above for dates of our meetings.

School staff put forward funding requests during the year (i.e. contributions towards educational WoW workshops or school trips).  These are considered by the PTA Trustees/committee and either accepted or rejected.  These will be reported in the minutes of the Trustees/committee meetings during the year and summarised in the following AGM (usually held at the start of each school year).

Mulbarton Primary School PTA policies